Asked Questions
What makes
this fish taste so much better?
The albacore we
select to put in our cans are smaller fish that have a
higher body fat content. The fish is moist without having
to add water to the can and the flavor is unmatched.
What are the
health benefits of your albacore?
Our albacore is
truly a super-food. They are higher in Omega 3's, with
a far lower mercury level than store-bought fish. They
are high in protein, and packed with nutritious value.
What about
mercury? Isn't albacore higher in mercury than other tuna?
Oregon State University
recently studied this question and found that the FDA
data on canned albacore did not consider the size difference
and mercury difference of the younger albacore tuna. The
young albacore tuna caught off our west coast have a much
lower mercury level than the older larger fish caught
off the Asian coast. The FDA says that canned albacore
has a mercury parts per million of .353, where these albacore
have a low mercury level of .140 which is comparable to
chunk light tuna. See our health/nutrition
page for more details.
Why do we
not find albacore like this in our supermarkets?
The USA is the largest
consumer of albacore in the world. Large tuna canneries
import less expensive, older, long line caught albacore
from other countries where labor is less expensive and
standards are less restrictive. Our higher cost and higher
quality fish are regularly exported to countries that
are more particular about their fish such as Spain.
Are there
any stores where I can buy your higher quality fish?
We would like to
expand to more stores eventually, but right now we are
only selling online, and from the Seafood Connection in
Westport, Washington. If you have a store, and would be
interested in carrying our product, just let us know.
What will I get in my can of tuna?
The only thing in the can is tuna and small amount
of salt.
What is in the can of tuna that
I buy at the supermarket?
Tuna, water, vegetable broth, soy, and salt.
In some cases, the contents of the can of supermarket
tuna are as high as 45% water, so you are getting about
half as much meat. You get what you pay for.
Is your tuna more expensive?
Yes, but the quality is well worth the price,
plus, we are not selling you added water and vegetable
broth. That way you get more meat in each can. All of
our tuna is caught and canned right here in the USA. It
is hand filleted and hand packed.
Where do you get your tuna?
We either catch it ourselves, or we get it from one of
the other boats that fishes out of Westport, Washington.
These boats fish off the Washington and Oregon coasts.
We only buy from select boats that will handle the fish
to our standards, and we only put fish in the can that
is of the highest quality.
Why do you call your fish "Home-Style"
A large number of people buy fresh albacore from
us, and the people that know their tuna all can it the
same way. Just put in good quality fresh tuna and a little
bit of salt. The taste and quality of what the locals
do in their homes far exceeds what you can buy in the
store, so why add fillers just to take up space in the
Are your tuna dolphin safe?
Absolutely! Our tuna are caught with hook and
line, one at a time, which is the only way to guarantee
dolphin safety. None of our tuna are caught with nets.
Can I send a case to someone else?
Yes. Provide their shipping address at checkout
and feel free to include a message to the recipient in
the comments field.
Is there any trace of radiation in the albacore
from the Japan nuclear disaster?
Oregon State University did a study, and there
is a barely detectable trace of radiation from the Japan
nuclear disaster. People receive radiation annually from
a large variety of sources, and to increase this annual
amount of radiation by one percent, you would have to
eat 4000 pounds per year of the highest radiation level
fish that they found. The radiation level is not a concern
in any way to a person's health.